"Hello, Big week around here. Let's get to it. I'm going to answer the very first question many of you have. "Why did you take Michael Savage off the air?" Here's your no-spin direct answer; we have decided to go in a different philosophical and ideological direction, featuring more contemporary content and more local information. The Savage Nation does not fit into that vision. Now I'd like you to meet the new guys: Say hello to John and Ken. Starting today and every weekday afternoon from 3-7, also Sundays from 1-3pm. These are Californians, doing a California based show, talking about things that are happening in YOUR state. Contemporary, funny, compelling. These boys are the real deal. If you love Armstrong and Getty, you will get John and Ken from show #1. The entire revamped lineup can be found HERE. More stimulating Talk. 910 AM is now more focused on you, your pocketbook and cultural issues, and we're not afraid to have fun and laugh and entertain you. That's why you listen. This is why it's happening."
Well, since 910 KNEW was hosting the Savage Nation podcast and no local station carries his broadcast in my area, I currently have no way to listen to his show.
First, he is Banned in Britian and now he is Banned from my Ipod. I have been listening to him for nearly a year. I have to say that his show was the most entertaining and informative of the bunch. I hope that Savage will start hosting his own podcast and start his own online radio station as he has mentioned a few times on the show. But for or now, this member of the Savage Nation will remain- "Cut off behind enemy lines." Michael Savage's web site can be found
Update: The savage podcast is available by subscription
HERE. Apparently, you can listen live or podcast his show with a subscription ($5.95/mo) through the
Talk Radio Network. 910KNEW had been podcasting his show for free.
Update: A link to several hundred Savage Nation streaming stations is
Thanks for the Update! Although, I want to avoid paying for a podcast. Luckily - I think my area (Houston AM 950 Radio MOJO) still airs The Savage Nationand-Live Internet Streaming too (no podcasts here either).
I depended on his podcasts 50% of the time since I did not always catch an entire show, or missed the whole thing.
Let us know if you find any free podcasting hosts. I'll do the same.
In the meantime, I'll get started on my "DAR" (Digital Audio Recorder).
Before I found his podcasts, I would record the live streams through VLC player, but I need to figure out how to automate it on my home PC that is always on.
I miss his podcast from KNEW, too. I would occasionally listen to him on my iPod in the gym and on my runs. I wouldn't mind them putting in commercials in the podcasts... I just hate to pay for something that I don't necessarily use all the time.
24/7 live radio. I also listen to the 950am in Houston, but late after work I'll catch his show live in MI or KY with radiotime.
This site broadcasts hundreds of stations that broadcast the savage nation. You can listen to him on here whenever he is airing on a radio station in the country (which is just about anytime of the day or night). Sometimes I listen to him late at night while im working on my blogs. Check out this link
Listen to Michael Savage Podcasts free at ConservativeReview.Us
For those interested you can get the latest Savage Nation Podcast here for FREE savagenationdissemination.blogspot.com
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