Sunday, October 18, 2009

What did we give to bomb the Moon?

The 2009 NASA moon-bombing is one of the strangest missions in recent memory. First of all, who believes the cover story- "Looking for Water". And now, while writing this article, I have discovered that the LA Times has deleted their September 12th, 2009 article entitled- "NASA names target for water hunt at moon's south pole".  If you search the LA times archive for the missing title, you will find nothing. Yet, an LA times archive search for "NASA names target" turns up articles dating back to 1986. (Update 12/20/2009- The article has been reinstated on the LA times server HERE and the Google cache of the article is no longer accessable HERE...  Just in case it disappears again or is edited in the future, I had made a copy of the original article Google cache and have now posted it HERE.)  Could the deletion simply be a web storage policy or server glitch?  For your viewing pleasure, an archived version of the deleted article is located in the Google cache:  HERE. Can anyone figure out why it was deleted from The LA Times server? Is it common for The LA Times to delete articles?

Now, at least a week after the mission, where are the Photos?
NASA's 'moon bomb' hit a dry hole?: India News

Here are some pre-mission links:
NASA's mission to bomb the Moon- June 17, 2009 Scientific American
NASA plans missile attack on Moon in quest of water- June 18, 2009 SiliconIndia

Let's think for a moment about the device- A high velocity projectile deployed from space, which according to Scientific American would "blast a hole in the lunar surface at twice the speed of a bullet".

You know- the characteristics of a water-hunting moon rocket could be very similar to those of a satellite-deployed deep-penetrating bunker buster bomb. Do any of our enemies currently have nuclear facilities located deep under mountains? Wouldn't it be great if our military had the capability of taking out one or all of these facilities if necessary? If our adversaries found out about our mission to test such a device on the moon, would they be happy? Would they threaten us and demand us not to do the test?

Notice that The Scientific American article from June 17th suggested a problem with the launch plan- "The dual mission was due to blast off today but was delayed to make way for the shuttle Endeavour. However, another hydrogen leak means that the shuttle launch has now been delayed until next month."

Let's think- What happened in the time frame between the June 17th article and the October 9th strike on the moon?
1) The U.S. announced that it had knowledge of a secret nuclear facility buried deep in the mountains of Iran.
3) The Pentagon announced: US 'bunker buster' bomb to be ready soon.

The deleted article from the L.A. times indicates that the "LCROSS consists of a small satellite and an accompanying rocket launched two months ago (late June early July) with a second spacecraft, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Shortly after launch, the two spacecraft separated. While the lunar orbiter is using its instruments to map the moon remotely in search water traces, the smaller LCROSS satellite and its rocket are scheduled to plunge into the moon's surface on Oct. 9."

Who Gave NASA Permission to Bomb the Moon?

And now, just days after the moon bombing, our Government has announced that it is going to allow Russian inspectors to visit our Nuclear facilities.

All of these events are strange. I wonder- are they interconnected? Is there more here than meets the eye?

Did the U.S. give up the defense shield and/or nuclear inspection rights for Russia's approval to bomb the moon?  Is the U.S. moving (has the U.S. moved) from land-based ballistic missiles to satellite-based ballistic missiles?

Photo credits: Image: ISRO / NASA / JPL-Caltech / USGS / Public Domain, Flickr Photo Credit: cliff1066™'s photostream


T. Greer said...

An interesting post. Perhaps I was juts not paying enough attention, but I did not catch this story when it originally aired.

I am not sure what to think of this. On the one hand, if the NASA moon bomb was really a space based bunker-busting missile, then the United States has broken several dozen international treaties and agreements in testing it. The militarization of space is an area we need to tread carefully through - once things get hot up in orbit, there is no going back.

The Russians know this of course. They also know that they would be able to skewer the U.S. if news of a missile test in space got out. However, my one problem with your scenario is that if the Russians know what kind of bomb this was, they would not be the only ones. The Chinese, in particular, have the tech to figure this out. And what have we given the Chinese for keeping this secret?


These are my off the cuff thoughts on the matter. I am going to do a little research and see what I can pull up. Until then, I will stand by what I have said here.

JN Kish said...

On the topic of what we publically gave to China within this same time frame: We did loosen missile technology controls to China.

Along the same lines, what did we get when China tested an anti-satellite missile in 2007?