Friday, December 24, 2010

Fighting the Mainstream Media Machine - Revealing the Truth about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange recently posted an article titled Martyrdom, messianism and Julian Assange.  The title speaks for itself.  At the end, I was mildly disturbed by one reader's comment and felt compelled to respond.

The comment- "Your need to destroy Assange is getting embarrassing. Why not make lemonaid?"  My response-

People have to learn the real story behind this media-created character Julian Assange. It is not embarrassing to go "on alert" when something is obviously wrong with someone or something. In fact, it is natural and correct to alert others to a dangerous situation. Make no mistake, the WikiLeaks situation (and Julian Assange) is dangerous - for reasons you will not see reported in the mainstream media.  Links-

Article - The WikiLeaks Trap - Don’t fall for it!
Kish Collections: The WikiLeaks Trap - Don’t fall for it!

Message board post that outlines leads into the past of WikiLeaks-
Huge Wikileak document dump - TFP

If We Lose our Internet Freedoms Because of Wikileaks, You Should At Least Know Why « American Everyman

Activist Post: BREAKING: WikiLeaks Being Used to Justify "Patriot Act" Legislation For Internet

Kish Collections: Media Hypes New WikiLeaks Front Man - John Young

“Trying to Explain the World” – How the Globalist’s PR Agents Use the Wikileaks Psyops Program « American Everyman

Journalists at Pentagon daily barred from WikiLeaks

UN mulls internet regulation optionsWikiLeaks sparks push for tighter controls.,un-mu…on-options.aspx

Keep up the great work Zenpundit - you are on the right track.

Note: In the first linked article above, pay special attention to the quote from Andy Greenberg which was published in a Forbes article.
"Admire him or revile him, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is the prophet of a coming age of involuntary transparency, the leader of an organization devoted to divulging the world’s secrets using technology unimagined a generation ago."
People must maintain perspective -

"Prophet of a coming age of involuntary transparency"? Assange is a guy with a web site. The real story here should be about the data - and who is helping Assange - not Assange himself.

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